We are particularly proud to present IWM, A3S Projects' computerized platform open to all operators in the public lighting and indoor asset management sector.  
IWM is the new cloud ecosystem that revolutionizes the way we work and collaborate. It helps technical offices and professionals in the public lighting sector in managing the commission at 360 degrees.  


Starting from the survey, IMAP is an APP on Tablet, which allows to survey and verify georeferenced public lighting censuses. The easy-to-use, fast and reliable application was started up and developed by A3S implementing numerous functions specifically designed to optimize the survey of public lighting. 


Once the census has been taken, cloud synchronization is automated.
From this moment on, you can manage the survey and check its quality through photo filters and navigation on GIS maps.
Once the Ex Ante is approved, you can proceed to the Ex Post project using the filters and tools available, you can manage the street lighting project super fast.     


You are in the construction phase and will have to manage the installation of the public lighting systems. 
IWM allows you to place orders for lighting fixtures directly from the google map and direct them to the job site warehouses. 
IWM allows you to manage the production according to the material in the warehouse and assign them to the operating teams. 
IWM allows you to record all the work carried out by the operating teams: luminaire installation, remote control node by acquiring the serial number of each node and associating it with the specific asset.  


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What is IWM?

Imap Work Manager is an operating environment consisting of an APP and a Cloud Platform that allows you to manage all phases of a public lighting project.

You will have a tool that will follow you in your surveys, everything will be immediately available in the cloud, where you will be able to manage the design in a team even remotely, and finally you will be able to manage the site remotely through simple actions.   

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Is it right for me?  

IWM is the ideal solution for all operators in the outdoor and indoor lighting sector.

No special IT or GIS skills are needed to use it. The service is designed in a scalable way, depending on your business. You do not need to buy expensive licences based on the number of users. The cost of the service is based on the number of light points you decide to manage.  

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Why IWM?

There is nothing more integrated and easy to use, because it is written by us at A3S based on the experience gained over many years of planning and surveys carried out in person.

Because it is the result of more than 12 years of development and optimisation of processes and functionality, we've been able to create an innovative and unique tool.  

How IWM works?

Watch this video!

Watch this short video to appreciate the potential of this new work environment. You will have full control of all phases of the public lighting project, directly on your PC in the cloud. IMAP Work Manager, public lighting management, is now in the Cloud.

I want to know more...

Do you feel that IWM could be a valid solution for your work? We are aware that our solution involves considerable changes in your structure.
What we are proposing is a three-step process that will allow you to assess the potential of the system in all its phases:    


Plant survey  

Choose a system from those of your choice.
We will activate a demo licence on your Android tablet, which will allow you to carry out a census of switchboards and light points. You will then have the opportunity to evaluate the full potential of IMAP, our survey application.  

CLOUD Platform  

You will be able to upload your census carried out on the IWM platform by means of a very simple synchronization.
You will now be able to operate your light points autonomously by assigning the new lighting appliance for each light point ex post.    


The installation phase will take place by logging your operating teams onto the platform, to which you will have assigned the work to be carried out.
In real time through QrCode scanning, all appliance and light point installations will be recorded on the platform.
Any anomalies will be recorded and georeferenced, so you will be able to control all processes. 

Send a message 

We would be happy to contact you and offer a demo first and then if you are satisfied we will implement a partnership program specifically for your business.



+39 085-2411623



Via Parco Nazionale D'Abruzzo, 5 65124 Pescara

Working hours

9:00 - 18:00

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